Topic: Spiritual Growth 67 videos found 00:05:59 Breakfast Biscuit: Get Your Head On Straight! – 05/16/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: Proverbs,Topic: Pride and Humility,Topic: Putting God First,Topic: Speech and the Tongue,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Wisdom 00:08:01 Breakfast Biscuit: The Real Issues with Our Kids – 05/13/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: Deuteronomy,Topic: Children,Topic: Evangelism,Topic: Faith and Being Faithful,Topic: God's Word and Scripture,Topic: Obedience,Topic: Prayer,Topic: Pursuing and Seeking God,Topic: Putting God First,Topic: Spiritual Growth 01:12:34 Peaches and Prickly Pears: A Look at Trees and their Fruit – 04/21/2024 Sunday Service Book: Matthew,Topic: Bearing Fruit,Topic: Denouncing Sin,Topic: God's Power,Topic: Holy Spirit,Topic: Prayer,Topic: Salvation,Topic: Serving Others,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Spiritual Rebirth,Topic: Steadfastness and Commitment,Topic: Truth and Lies,Topic: Working for God 00:07:01 Breakfast Biscuit: IYKYK & Thank You – 04/19/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: Psalms,Topic: Anxiety and Burdens,Topic: Bearing Fruit,Topic: God's Discipline and Pruning,Topic: God's Goodness,Topic: God's Love,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Trials and Suffering 00:05:37 Breakfast Biscuit: Crunch Before Big Trash – 04/16/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: John,Topic: God's Power,Topic: Pursuing and Seeking God,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Trials and Suffering 00:05:47 Breakfast Biscuit: Thanks, Mary Jo! – 03/05/24 Breakfast Biscuit Topic: Discipleship,Topic: God's Power,Topic: Leadership,Topic: Serving Others,Topic: Spiritual Growth 00:05:36 Breakfast Biscuit: Why Aren’t Mine Pretty? – 02/21/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: 2 Corinthians,Topic: Earthly Treasures,Topic: God's Blessing,Topic: Laziness,Topic: Pursuing and Seeking God,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Steadfastness and Commitment,Topic: Working for God 00:00:00 How to Pray #3 – 02/11/2024 Sunday Service Book: Matthew,Topic: Beliefs,Topic: Death,Topic: Giving Thanks - Thankfulness,Topic: God's Blessing,Topic: God's Plan for You,Topic: God's Word and Scripture,Topic: Holiness - Righteousness - Godliness,Topic: Loving Others,Topic: Prayer,Topic: Pride and Humility,Topic: Putting God First,Topic: Sacrifice,Topic: Salvation,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Trusting God 00:05:05 Breakfast Biscuit: Thank You For the Whippins’ – 01/29/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: Hebrews,Topic: Obedience,Topic: Self Control and Discipline,Topic: Spiritual Growth You, Your Neighbors, and Your Enemies: Jesus Speaks on Difficult Relationships – 01/14/24 Sunday Service Book: Matthew,Topic: Forgiveness,Topic: God's Goodness,Topic: God's Grace,Topic: God's Providence,Topic: Holiness - Righteousness - Godliness,Topic: Loving Others,Topic: Relationships,Topic: Salvation,Topic: Sinful Nature,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Steadfastness and Commitment «12345…7»Page 3 of 7