Topic: Fruit of the Spirit 5 videos found 00:07:09 Breakfast Biscuit: Control That Thang – 02/14/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: James,Topic: Being Kind,Topic: Fruit of the Spirit,Topic: Loving Others,Topic: Self Control and Discipline,Topic: Sinful Nature,Topic: Speech and the Tongue 00:00:00 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 12/24/24 Sunday Service Topic: Earthly Treasures,Topic: Forgiveness,Topic: Fruit of the Spirit,Topic: God's Victory,Topic: Holiness - Righteousness - Godliness,Topic: Loving Others,Topic: Pride and Humility,Topic: Propitiation and Atonement,Topic: Purity,Topic: Putting God First,Topic: Repentance,Topic: Running from God,Topic: Salvation,Topic: Self Control and Discipline,Topic: Sin,Topic: Sinful Nature,Topic: Spiritual Rebirth,Topic: Steadfastness and Commitment 00:06:25 Breakfast Biscuit: A Short Prescription for Abundant Joy in Your Life – 11/08/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: Psalms,Topic: Fruit of the Spirit,Topic: God's Joy,Topic: Holy Spirit,Topic: Repentance,Topic: Running from God,Topic: Self Control and Discipline,Topic: Sin,Topic: Who God Is 00:05:33 Breakfast Biscuit: Productive and Useful – 10/30/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: 2 Peter,Topic: Bearing Fruit,Topic: Church Body,Topic: Fruit of the Spirit,Topic: Glorifying God,Topic: God's Promises,Topic: Loving Others,Topic: Self Control and Discipline,Topic: Spiritual Growth,Topic: Working for God,Topic: Zeal for God 00:05:58 Breakfast Biscuit: What Controls You? – 10/21/24 Breakfast Biscuit Book: 2 Peter,Topic: Adultery,Topic: Biblical Law,Topic: Church Body,Topic: Denouncing Sin,Topic: Fruit of the Spirit,Topic: Holy Spirit,Topic: Leadership,Topic: Purity,Topic: Running from God,Topic: Sin,Topic: Sinful Nature