Frequently Asked Questions

The most frequent questions and answers.

What is SETX Church?

We are everyday people from around Southeast Texas who want to belong, believe and become a partner in God’s work. Join us and you will see folks from every walk of life who meet together on Sundays to hear God’s ord and grow closer to Him. We want to make connections to draw people closer to God and each other.

You can also find out more at our Discover SETX events we occasionally hold after a church service!

Who Can Attend?

Everyone! If you are curious, come join us. If you want a place to belong and serve, please give SETX Church a try. If you love God but aren’t sure about organized religion, come learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus. If you grew up a church and know you are a child of God, you are welcome too.

Come, learn and ask questions. We want you to belong, believe and become a part of the family of God at SETX Church.

Where and when does SETX Church Meet?

In 2025, SETX Church meets Sundays at the Holiday Inn & Suites except Mar 16th, Mar 30th, and May 4th, where we’ll be at the MCM Elegante Hotel!

You can also follow us at the SETXChurch Facebook page for current updates and future locations or just keep an eye on our homepage! Our regular church service time is 10:00 am every Sunday morning.

How will I know where to park?

When you arrive at our meeting location, you will see signs and parking lot attendants directing you to the nearest available parking.

Can I join the church?

YES! Just click here and complete the form. We are so glad you want to join us in the Family of God as we learn, grow, serve, and seek Him.

Do you have Bible Study, Sunday School, or Children or Youth programs?

Our adults meet and fellowship together at our adult Connection Groups. There are a variety of groups for everyone – couples, young adults, and men and women meet in homes, restaurants, and yards across Southeast Texas.

SETX Kids and Teens meet at The Cove Christian Retreat Center every Wednesday.

Kids meet from 5:45-7:30pm, Teens meet from 6:00-8:00pm.
Address: 120 Creek Road, Lumberton, Texas. A meal is provided each week. Learn more at SETX Teens and SETX Kids.

We also have a Nursery available on Sunday mornings for ages six weeks to four years.

Check in at the connection corner (in the lobby) before or after the Sunday morning service. You can also ask Vicki or Braun.

Click here to get involved!

Where can I watch the church service?

Visit our Facebook page here to join Pastor Nathan Cothen and his worship team for our worship services through Facebook, live at 10:00 am on Sundays. The sermons and Breakfast Biscuit devotionals are also available on demand here at our Watch Now page, where you can search by topic or book of the Bible, or at our Facebook and YouTube pages.

What denomination is SETX Church?

The church’s doctrinal statement can be found in the Baptist Faith and Message Statements. Affiliations with local, state, and national bodies are not yet fully developed.

How can I support SETX Church, even if I cannot attend?

Everyone’s help is welcome and needed! Please pray for Pastor Nathan and the worship team as they prepare throughout the week for each Sunday service, as well as the volunteers who work diligently behind the scenes to bring SETX Church to life.

Pray for those attending in person and virtually to have an open heart to understand the message and the wisdom to apply Biblical teaching to their daily life.

Follow us on Facebook where you can like, comment and share our post to spread the word about SETX Church. You can also give an offering of love and support online here.